Friday, July 27, 2012

Spending time in 11968…

My jobs require me to spend a good amount of time in the 11968 zip code (Southampton Village) each week.  Each Thursday I spend about 12 hours away from 11713 and in this famous South Fork Village. 

(Note:  there is a claim that Southampton was the first English settlement on Long Island.  However, I have it on good authority that Southampton is actually the SECOND oldest English settlement…after Southold founded in 1639 (in part) by my ancestors, the Horton and Budd families.  But that is another story.)
There are a few hours of free time between my Thursday jobs.  Since summer traffic in Southampton is laborious, I usually head for a local spot where I can park and enjoy the summer weather; such as the park at the head of Lake Agawam.  I may walk about or sit and read or just ponder.  Yesterday I sat and pondered. 

(Henry's Bench)

This day I chose to sit on the Henry Barclay bench; it was shaded and offered a nice view of Lake Agawam.  The small plaque affixed to the bench gave me pause.  You see, it tells me that in 1906 Henry was born on Lake Agawam.  Interesting choice of words.  Was Mrs. Barclay on the lake, unable to make it to shore when she gave birth to babe Henry?  Was she on a boat?  Was this an early 20th century "waterbirth"?    My mind easily wanders when given such fodder. 

Henry Barclay’s name appeared many times as a result of a Google search.  However, there was no reference to a Henry born in 1906 on the lake or any other such dramatic entrance into this world by any of the many Henry Barclay’s I found. 
Perhaps a Google search of Lake Agawam would offer some information.  The search resulted in many entries including a link to Southampton Patch where there appeared a short video tour of the lake from a helicopter by Jeff Cully of Cully/EEFAS: 
You can see that there are many amazing homes on the lake; I wonder if Henry was born in one of these homes.  Note:  I was sitting at the end of the lake looking south towards the beach and great Atlantic ocean.

(Lake Agawam from Henry's bench.)

Still, nothing was revealed about this man born on this lake.  Filling in the blanks was left to my imagination. 

As I sat considering Henry, his birth and his bench, eventually a group of fowl gathered near by.  No doubt they assumed I had food; I did not.  If I had had food, unlike the folks sitting on the other benches in this park, as a Weight Watchers Leader/Member I adhere to that unwritten rule:  when counting PointsPlus Values of all foods consumed, there will be no sharing.  I wonder...were the ancestors of these birds on Lake Agawam when Henry was born? 

(Fowl of Lake Agawam)

So I think about Henry's circumstance and enjoy the bucolic setting of Lake Agawam.  I will continue my search for more clues on this bench worthy citizen of yesteryear…and continue to spend free Thursdays at this great little park.

Monday, July 16, 2012

42:45 - The Official Time!

It is done.

I have completed a 5K race within the time parameters, did not finish last and I lived to tell about it.

There are some things that remain a mystery to me. Like how people can take pleasure in doing this? How some of these women look as great -- or even better -- after the race as they did standing at the starting line? What compels one to attempt this more than once? Why someone decided to hold a 5K on a July evening on Long Island?

Truly I understand the satisfaction of athletic accomplishment. My muscles have great memories of such. They (and my lungs) remember the 100 laps we always had to swim before sailing class at University High School. They remember bicycling up hills in Santa Barbara with my friend Carrol as we rode from LA to SB one year. They remember clog dancing for hours on end with my friends in LA and Las Vegas. They even recall the 10 miles I once ran on the paths of Laguna Hills, California. There is great satisfaction in completing something of great athletic magnitude.

But I am embarrassed to say that that was all before life in New York. Since moving to Long Island, my activity has been limited. I have lived here nearly 18 years; those muscle memories are fading. It took this 5K to cause a call to reactivate activity and create new memories for my slightly older (ahem) muscles.

There is much that I have learned in the past 3 weeks of training and then competing.

·         I can improve on my athleticism.  Three weeks ago it took me 63 minutes to complete 5K; I cut nearly 11 minutes off that time yesterday. 

·         It is humbling to “run” a 5K in front of neighbors, family and friends.  (I love the applause and cheers!)

·         Training without music is great free thinking time; watch out Bellport!

                  ·         I love to walk; loathe jogging.

·         I SO appreciate Dr. Joe, the Chiropractor. 

·         I am ready to reactivate my activity.

A big thank you to my WW compadres for the encouragement and the inspiration to even try this 5K.  I will be waiting for you at the finish line every chance I get!

Monday, July 9, 2012

A butterfly and the Bellport Clipper Classic…

For 3 weeks now I have been “training” to participate in the Bellport Clipper Classic.  I love exercise.  I love being active.  I love a physical challenge.  I love what exercise does for my body, mind and spirit.  This, however, has been an interesting adventure. 

Good:  I am revisiting Dr. Merckling, the Bellport Village chiropractor, for that competitive edge. 
Not so good:  the pain in my neck and shoulders is the real reason I returned, though the treatments surely improve my overall state of being. 

Good:  my Nikes are getting used as they should be.
Not so good:  I change band-aids more often than I change my underwear.  

Good:  I feel great after completing a 3.29 mile trek.
Not so good:  I have gained 5 pounds during this training process. 

Good:  I have encouraged others to participate as well.                                                                         
Not so good:  I cannot back out of the event. 
During this same period of time, I have kept a rather hectic schedule.  However, it is summer on Long Island and no matter how busy, one must make time to enjoy the weather and the late setting of the sun.  (Perhaps you do not realize this, but in the southwest, the sun does not stay up this long…ever.)  Our patio is lovely, the backyard is lovely and we have even been able to enjoy the chiminea.  (You have a chiminea, don’t you?)

About 3 weeks ago after my first week of training, I was sitting in the new Adirondack chairs by the chiminea one evening and something kept buzzing my head.  I could not imagine what this creature was until he lighted on my arm.  Shocked, I realized it was a butterfly.  He flashed the most vivid orange colors at me as I asked him who he was.  His response was to fly away.  However, he soon came again and rested on my shoulder.  I tried to get a photo of him with my cell phone, but he flew away just as I pressed to “take” the photo. 

There are many myths and legends about butterflies.  We know their transformation is rather miraculous.  Their beauty is other-worldly.  Admittedly, I spent a lot of time pondering the visit and its meaning. 

He has been back 2 other times.  Saturday he buzzed the jamming circle during my daughter’s graduation party.  Yesterday I caught his visit with my phone.  I tried very hard to get a shot with his wings open, vivid colors displayed.  That just did not happen.  He landed on the wood pile and cleverly blended in, refusing to open his wings until he was ready to fly away. 

According to legend and myth, I could choose to believe that he is someone I know who has passed, coming to bring me a message like, “Do NOT run the Bellport Clipper Classic!” Or “run and not be weary, but you are going to have to fly with wings like butterflies...the eagles have gone to cooler climes.”  Or he is hanging around waiting to take my wish to the Great Spirit.  In the event this is the case, I have been frantically trying to narrow down the one wish I want him to take.

So today is T minus 6 days until the Bellport Clipper Classic.  This morning I walked a steady but slower pace (swollen/painful feet, ankles and legs) and completed 3.29 miles in 50 minutes without stopping and talking to one single person.  I am ready for the challenge; I want to check this off my own bucket list and move on.  I am pretty sure the butterfly could be there to warn me to take it easy and move on to the next challenge.  But I also think he is hanging around to carry my wish.  I just hope he hangs around long enough for me to make a decision on the one best wish I could make.  (Note:  it will have NOTHING to do with the Bellport Clipper Classic!) 

Friday, July 6, 2012

14.41 minute mile...

This is the start and end point of my course.  It was a shortened course today due to, well, life.  Still, I stayed under the 15 minute mile and felt good. to address the issues of life after workout.  It is all fun...why am I so stressed? 


Note to self and anyone else who may be wondering:

Migrating...that is what I am doing at this 4 am hour...migrating posts to this site. 

Embarrassing to admit, but I forgot that this was the site from which I wanted to post.  There are so many blog sites and I am looking for the most versatile and user friendly. 

I will continue with for all things Weight Watchers.  This, however, will be my preferred 11713 site. 

Me and the United States Postal Workers...

Neither rain nor...

Weather will not hinder my quest to train. After yesterday, however, I have decided to dump the Galloway method and just See, I really hate the jogging. What I hate most about the activity is that I cannot think about anything other than how many steps before I can stop jogging or how many steps until I have to jog again. This is boring stuff and I do not do boring so well. So I returned to solo a piedi and made the 3.29 miles in 45 minutes. Still more work to do, but I am thinking Dr. Joe's Chiropractic treatments (Merkling Chiropractic) are making a difference.

So today we celebrate independence day in Bellport. It is a good day to be in Bellport, even when we have inclement weather. See, our flags still fly that the rain has subsided.

Artists on the Lane happens in Bellport today. They were beginning to set up as I headed south on Bellport Lane. Local artists share space with those traveling some distance. They gather, we buy and everyone leaves quite satisfied.

This year we have the added attraction of "Just Around The Corner" ( which will feature specials in the Main Street businesses and truly world class music in the alley between Cafe Castello and Pamela Lerner.

Just Good Friends will be performing with a special SECRET guest. Now, in my opinion, Just Good Friends is world class music, but the secret guest seals the deal. Stop by to find out who it is! Rumor has it, they may even let me sing a tune or so....taking it down a notch from "world class" perhaps.

Now I am off to do what I always do on holidays and weekends...clean bathrooms, do laundry, dust, vacuum... woo hoo! At least Tom will be helping so we can get to the Village events. Hope to see you there.

By the way, I would like to note that even the postal workers were not out on the streets today. Just me and my Nikes.Me and the United States Postal Workers...

43 minutes...and I do NOT like the jogging-like activity...

This is a late report of my "success." Yes, I shaved 1 minute off my time, but really, the jogging-like movement is not pleasant. I do not pick jogging as my sport.
Today I truly reconsidered my personal challenge to join this event. Can anyone tell me why I need to register for and complete a 5K? My legs were sore, my gluts were sore, my feet were sweaty and I gained 1 pound after completing 3.29 miles in 43 minutes. Where is the glory? Where is the success?
Yes...I will get up and do it again tomorrow. I cannot back down from a challenge...even one I wagered myself. Sure...I can do 3.29 miles, which means I can do 3.2 miles on Sunday, July 15th at 5:15 pm.
What I can tell you is my 4+ mile bike ride (on a beach "gear") was a lot more fun that 3.29 miles in 43 minutes.
This I will say...after July will not see me "jogging" on the 3.29 mile course, but you WILL see me on the bay in our kayak and on the streets of Bellport and beyond on my pink cruiser. But I can tell you now...I have not found that "runner's high" that everyone talks about. But...I am not giving up. This is a promise.
BTW...if you are not running/jogging/jogging-like activity the Bellport Clipper Classic, you might consider donating to the cause!

43 minutes...and I do NOT like the jogging-like activity...

This is a late report of my "success." Yes, I shaved 1 minute off my time, but really, the jogging-like movement is not pleasant. I do not pick jogging as my sport.
Today I truly reconsidered my personal challenge to join this event. Can anyone tell me why I need to register for and complete a 5K? My legs were sore, my gluts were sore, my feet were sweaty and I gained 1 pound after completing 3.29 miles in 43 minutes. Where is the glory? Where is the success?
Yes...I will get up and do it again tomorrow. I cannot back down from a challenge...even one I wagered myself. Sure...I can do 3.29 miles, which means I can do 3.2 miles on Sunday, July 15th at 5:15 pm.
What I can tell you is my 4+ mile bike ride (on a beach "gear") was a lot more fun that 3.29 miles in 43 minutes.
This I will say...after July will not see me "jogging" on the 3.29 mile course, but you WILL see me on the bay in our kayak and on the streets of Bellport and beyond on my pink cruiser. But I can tell you now...I have not found that "runner's high" that everyone talks about. But...I am not giving up. This is a promise.
BTW...if you are not running/jogging/jogging-like activity the Bellport Clipper Classic, you might consider donating to the cause!

44 minutes...a new world record! (for me)

So the training goes...
Yep, I have now lowered my time to qualify for a "legal" finish of the Bellport Clipper Classic. Today I began incorporating jogging-like movement into my 3.29 miles today. For those of you who may have seen me on the streets of the Village this morning, thank you for not honking as you drove by chuckling.
Note: I trained with a deficit today…my old iPod bit the dust.
My training for this week will be better than usual with the extra days off due to the holiday. (Is it just me or do you also find it nice to celebrate a holiday on the actual holiday?) Based on my current training success (ahem) I have set a goal to shave 6 minutes off my time by Sunday, July 15…race day. I will follow the Galloway method of training for a marathon because, well, other than showing you there is a method to my madness, training for this 5K feels like training for a marathon. I am glad I made a chiropractic appointment with Dr. Joe for this morning!
Let us see what happens tomorrow.

No excuses!

I suppose that runners at least take note of weather predictions to plan their next days' run. Since I am only a walker, I suppose I get a break for not knowing that thunder storms and heavy rain were predicted for today.
So in keeping with my "no excuses" mindset, I walked the 3.29 mile course today almost between down pours in 48 minutes; a slight improvement over yesterday. Perhaps it was the huge whack of thunder while on New Jersey Avenue that propelled me down the road a bit quicker than usual. My pardon to the neighbors…my voice has a way of projecting and surely the shriek I belted out was heard a few blocks away.
My change-up for today…it has been said that when you use your arms while walking, you are working 20% harder. So today I carried the new WW 3 lb. weights around town. They are now drying out with my LiveLifeActive cap.
It was a very loud workout today. The rain, the wind, the thunder, and then…a lovely chorus as I reached the dock. The lines of the sailboats were singing as the wind blew in from the west. It was noisy but what wonderful cacophony.
Tomorrow is an evening walk-about. My warning to all pedestrians: avoid Head of the Neck Road.

The Orange and Black Swoosh Takes the Lead...

51 minutes including a 4 minute hoop o' the dock. Conditions were warm; medium traffic and I set out later than I originally planned. However, as of today, the orange and black swoosh is definitely a favorite to beat the 45 minute time limit.

Note to self: 8 puffs on an empty inhaler serves no purpose; refill prescription today.

BCC Challenge Day 2...64 minutes?

Day 2 - 3.29 miles in 64 minutes? You might think my training is headed in the wrong direction. Let me explain.

Still pedometer-less I set about on my day 2 walk (note: matching Nikes and bandaid...check) anticipating an increased time because it was election day in Bellport. I know, this and the price of tea in China...

Tuesday through Saturday always prove to be jam packed, tight schedule days for me. Between regular work, 1 1/2 hour round trip commute and Weight Watchers meetings, it is always a challege to get in everything I need/want to do. So, following my Tuesday Weight Watchers meeting (5:30 pm @ the Patchogue store, near Bob's and Home Goods, join us, won't you?...shameless self-promotion) I came home, found matching Nikes, donned my green bag and headed out to walk/vote.

Good pace tonight.

Arriving at the Polling Place, I forgot to check my watch. But, after voting and chatting with friends I have not seen in a long time. (By the is it possible to live in a Village of only 2,500 residents and go years without seeing friends who live only one street away...shameful. Note to self: arrange a coffee talk with friends...soon!) Watch check following the vote/chat showed 30 minutes had passed. Continuing on, with only one brief chat on my way to the dock, I returned to home base 43 minutes later. A 19.5 minute pace is not impressive, unless you consider that I also performed my civic duty and reconnected with friends along the way.

I will take the 4 activity points I earned and consider it a good day.

The Bellport Clipper Classic Challenge

Accepting a challenge is a great way for me to achieve a goal. When first challenged to participate in the Bellport Clipper Classic 5K race, I considered but wanted to watch it first to see what I would be getting myself into. 16 years ago I watched as friends and neighbors in really good shape sprinted and ran past my house. I also watched as friends and neighbors in better shape than me struggled and dragged themselves to the finish line. I have continued to consider that challenge for the past 16 years and never moved forward…until now.

This year I have again been challenged. I have agreed to truly consider participation. Today I took action on the consideration part.

First, I learned (and verified at the website: that walkers are not allowed on the course and the course must be completed in 45 minutes. Exactly what that means is unclear to me, but I have decided to move forward anyway. My doctor advised me to not run and I have embraced that limitation. I do walk, bike, kayak and try other, less jarring activities. However, it is more of a lifestyle recommendation than a medical command so I am considering my options. Today I decided to see if I could walk 5K in 45 minutes. I set a course from my house, around the Village using The easy part.

Next, I pulled out my 2 pedometers to find that neither one works. (Note to Weight Watchers: where is my ActivLink?) I decided to time myself with a less efficient, but reliable watch…thank goodness for old technology.

I discovered that I left my regular walking shoes with the orthotic inserts at work. (Sadly, old feet need better support.) Never fear, thanks to my Nike connection, I have 2 other pairs of newish walking/running shoes and pulled those out to break them in.

Armed with my cell phone, tissues, inhaler and water bottle in my little green bag, I headed out for a 3.29 miles walk-about. The first leg of my course passes the 2 mile marker for the Clipper Classic. I was only starting out and feeling pretty strong, but I could not help but find the irony in the fact that the point marking the 2/3rd point of the race was located at the cemetery.

Crossing Station Road and heading to New Jersey Avenue I realized I was developing a blister on my left heel. It seemed I had a defective sock on my left foot that kept slipping down. Wasting valuable time I stopped to fix it…the first of several fixes…but only the left foot. Hmmm… Pace increase to make up for lost time.

Down across South Country Road I crossed paths with Bobby (…as Bobby, not the Easter Bunny or Uncle Sam today.) No time to talk, I am focused. Stop to fix sock. (Note to self: try out other socks before race day.)

The Village was quietly humming as I rounded the Old Purchase corner and headed to the dock. Blister is growing but I am not ready to waste more time with the stupid sock so I push through the pain and hoop the dock, dodging the vehicles also hooping as their drivers sip their morning coffee, paying no particular attention to pedestrians or seagulls.

Taking a left on to Rogers I again stopped to adjust my left sock when I realized I was wearing 2 different shoes. I thought this was something only old people did. Now I am motivated to quickly complete the course, avoid anyone I might know and check my time.

53 minutes…sock issues and an extra hoop around the Bellport Yacht Club included. 3.29 miles. That is a little more than a 16 minute mile. Not good enough for the Clipper Classic. But, I have 26 days to train, get my time down and work on a good jog/runner’s look to get past the officials. But not until I retrieve my other shoes and some better socks.